Monday, September 7, 2015

Response to a Liberal Newspaper Columnist

I'd like to just say a few things to Tim Rowland regarding the Kentucky clerk jailed for not issuing marriage licenses to homosexual couples. You start out by belittling her with the phrase "her type". Yes, you are right "her type" can be found in any decade you choose and I hope that "her type" will always be found in every decade. This is still America, Mr. Rowland, though it is looking more and more like "Norway, or any other culture that frowns on non-conformists" by the day. We still have the right to protest and express our beliefs. However, it is becoming more and more dangerous for the Bible-believing Christian to do so. And will continue to if you and your liberal cronies have their way.

Davis may have promised the voters she would be a good steward of their tax dollars and follow the statues of the office to the letter. When Davis was elected homosexual marriage wasn't legal. She still has a right under the United States Constitution to refuse to do something that violates her conscience.

I believe you have it backwards when you blame corporations for denying healthcare and school districts for overwriting history in the name of religious freedom. More like those of us who believe in the Holy Bible are being denied, more and more, our religious freedom. It is quite obvious you are ignorant of what the Bible says if you think God is "cool with a woman who runs through one marriage after the other." He is not, however, the kind of God Who holds a grudge but One Who is forgiving, kind, and loving. God hates adultery and homosexuality and sin in general but He still loves the sinner.

I am one of those who believes in the rule of law unless it violates God's law. Religious freedom is on what this country was founded. I know you and the liberal crowd have tried to deny that and rewrite that part of history but you will never be able to do that completely. God will have a remnant who know, teach, and speak the truth as long as there is a United States of America.

You state that Mrs. Davis can't perform her duties and protect her conscience and religious freedom. Why shouldn't she be able to? What if your liberal opinions and beliefs were being squelched like hers? Here's a better question: Why shouldn't your liberal opinions and beliefs be squelched like hers? What is it that makes your beliefs and opinions better than hers? What if the Supreme Court said that everyone  must start attending a Christian church every Sunday? You may say you don't believe in God but the Supreme Court says, it doesn't matter, every Sunday everyone who does not believe in God will be required to attend Christian church services. How would you feel?  Maybe like violating  the rule of law? Maybe like catering to your conscience?

You are wrong when you say "had the Founders believed as Davis thinks they did, there would be no use for a Constitution and no use for laws, because everyone would act in accordance with their beliefs." Surely if you think about this statement you will know how ludicrous it sounds. Just a slight study of history will explain why the Constitution was written and a part of it was to protect religious freedom.

You're right, no one is forcing Mrs. Davis to believe anything she doesn't want to believe but they, obviously, are trying. Just like they were trying with the bakery that refused to bake a cake for a homosexual wedding and put them out of business. Is that what you are waiting to see, Mr. Rowland, every Christian who takes a stand for what they believe to be right, jailed or put out of business? Otherwise, why throw her in jail for standing up for her beliefs? You and your liberal crowd should be glad Mrs. Davis chose jail. It saved you the trouble of pushing her like the Christian bakery was pushed Yes, Davis is free to resign her post. So are you free to resign yours. I really don't care to hear you liberal viewpoints again and I don't want to stop my subscription to my newspaper so I move that you should resign your post. In fact, I think I will post this article on my Facebook page and see how many agree with me that you should resign. That's what you expect from Mrs. Davis. What about it, Mr. Rowland, will you resign or will you be the hypocrite you accuse so many Christians of being?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen! We need more people with wisdom and courage to stand for God's truth like you do, Mr. Hull. God bless you.