Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A Day At The Zoo

In August my oldest son and I went to visit a local zoo. We had an interesting time. One of the neat things was that the zoo offered a safari ride (for an extra fee, of course) so we decided it would be fun to take it. It took us through five areas that had been cordoned off and we got a real close up look of the animals. In fact, we had the privilege of petting and feeding them. Our tour guides (if that's what you want to call them) were really nice. The guy drove while the girl ran ahead and opened up the gates to each area. She ran her legs off. She is in great shape. I remember a day when I could have ran like that. The days when I used to run cross country in gym class are long gone. Oh to be in the shape now that I was in then. Not going to happen. Age takes its toll on all of us eventually. And it takes its toll on some of us sooner than on others. And sometimes it isn't age as much as lifestyle and how well we cared for ourselves. Anyway, I didn't mean to get into all of that.

Here is the zoo story in pictures with a few comments from me. Hope you enjoy. Perhaps you will recognize some friends. :D

A bison who, obviously, thought that popcorn was worth licking your lips over.

Baby, don't make me leave you.

Hey Henrietta, look at those funny creatures over there on that truck!

At least some people appreciate me.

Family Meeting!

The best dressed of the whole zoo.

And last, but certainly not least, our wonderful safari guides.
Thank you for sharing in our day at the zoo.

Just Passing Through

Do you ever just spend time looking through people's blogs? Some of them are quite fascinating and interesting. Some seem to be the kind of people you would like to know while others are weird and a few are just plain bizarre. Blogs, like people, are interesting things. They are just as diverse as the people who created them. Some people like to share photos and others just like to share opinions, like me. Sometimes my opinions are the reason people don't continue to read my blog. That's okay, I created this blog because I have always wanted to have one. I like having one even though I am not the most creative person out there. Some blogs are really nice and mellow, some are really beautiful, and some have great pictures. And, yes, there are a few out there like mine. Just plain, kind of mundane, and maybe even a little (or a lot) boring. It would be interesting to actually make a real friend through a blog. I wonder, sometimes, if anybody ever really reads mine. Oh well, I guess that's the way things go. If you do visit feel free to leave a comment even if you don't agree with me. If you and I agree on everything one of us is not needed.

Anyway, except for the picture of my mug on this page, I am adding my first picture to this blog. It is not a picture I took but it is a picture I like and I think it is appropiate given that it is fall. I hope you enjoy it.

Sometimes when I visit a blog I leave a comment if it is something that I really like. I am grateful for those who answer though that is not why I leave them. I think if a person has a blog you enjoy or something that catches your eye it is nice to say so. Not that they care necessarily but maybe it is a little bit of encouragement. So keep blogging. And remember when it comes to this world. We are all:

Just Passing Through!