.... Change .... Change!!!!!!!!!!
Not long ago I read a joke ...
It said all the politicians running for president are promising change to the American people.
We send them billions and billions of tax dollars and they send us the change. Funny? Not really; there is too much truth in it to be funny. That got me to thinking .... They all promise change. How about if they run on a promise of restoration rather than change. A restoration that would take us back in time to a place where things ran better, smoother and life was more enjoyable.
Change? That, in truth , is what they have been giving us all along. We used to have a strong dollar ... Politicians changed that.
Life used to be sacred .... Politicians changed that.
Marriage used to be sacred .... Politicians are changing that.
We used to be respected around the world ... Politicians changed that.
We used to have a strong manufacturing economy ...
Politicians changed that.
We used to be a large exporter of American made goods ...
Politicians changed that.
Politicians changed that.
We used to teach patriotism in schools .... Politicians changed that.
We used to enjoy freedom of speech ...Politicians changed that.
We used to have affordable food & gas prices ...
Politicians changed that, too.
... and one could go on and on with this list.
What hasn't been changed, politicians are promising to change that as well if you will elect them. When, oh when, is America going to sit back with open eyes and look at what we once were and where we have come and say, enough is enough? The trouble is, America 's youthful voters today don't know of the great America that existed forty and fifty years ago. They see the world as if it has always existed, as it is now. When will we wake up? Tomorrow may be too late. When will America realize ... Politicians are what is wrong with America ? PASS THIS ONE AROUND FOR A CHANGE