Sunday, June 2, 2013

The Home Depot promotes the homosexual agenda

For several years, The Home Depot has given its financial and corporate support to open displays of homosexual activism on main streets in America's towns.

Rather than remain neutral in the culture war, The Home Depot has chosen to sponsor and participate in numerous gay pride parades and festivals. Most grievous is The Home Depot's deliberately exposing small children to lascivious displays of sexual conduct by homosexuals and cross-dressers, which are a common occurrence at these events.

Judge for yourself by reviewing the evidence below, from recent homosexual events sponsored by The Home Depot. Should The Home Depot be helping advance the homosexual agenda?

The goal of every homosexual organization supported by The Home Depot is to get homosexual marriage legalized. The information below provides just a glimpse of how broad The Home Depot's support for the homosexual movement is.

Take Action!
  1. Sign the Boycott Pledge.
  2. Call your local store manager. Let the manager know that you will not be shopping at The Home Depot until the company stops supporting the homosexual agenda. You can find his number here (Click "Store Finder").
  3. Print the AFA Pass Along Sheet for friends and neighbors.
  4. Print the paper petition and distribute it at Sunday School and church.
  5. NEW! Promote the boycott on your website! Scroll down for download instructions. It's easy!
Extremely important! Regularly post this to your Facebook page and encourage others to join the boycott!

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Promote the Boycott on your website!

Highlight and Copy the following code and paste it into your website's HTML code where you want it to appear.

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