Today, I lost a true friend, but more than that, an adopted father. Ray and Dorothy are two people who go to my church. I adopted them as parents about fifteen or so years ago. Ray went home to be with his Lord and Saviour this morning after a couple of months of illness. Words could never express the help and blessing he and his dear wife have been to me over the years. We prayed together, laughed together, and sometimes even cried together. He left behind his wife of 62 years and a biological son. His daughter went home to be with the Lord this past July. Now they are united again in a far better place.
Ray and I shared many things in our time together here on earth but one of the most special things we shared was a Bible verse, Proverbs 27:6 "Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful." And Ray, I called him Dad, was a faithful friend, not only to me but to the Lord Jesus Christ. For years his last prayer at night was, "Lord, get me out of here before morning." He was homesick for Heaven. Now, at last, he has seen the Lord he loved and served so much and for so long, face to face.
There were times when dad and I didn't see eye to eye. There were times when he would give me unsolicited advice that I didn't want to hear. There was a time when I told his wife, who I call mom, that he didn't have much compassion. There were times when he was abrupt and, seemingly, not very kind. But when I said he didn't have much compassion, I was wrong. It takes real compassion to care about someone enough to tell them the truth even when you know they don't want to hear it. It takes real compassion to tell someone something you know may hurt them because you care about them enough to want them to be better. It takes real compassion to risk your relationship with someone enough to rebuke them and try to help them get on the right track. Thus, the verse we shared was special to me and it is even more special to me now.
There is something else about Ray. He was blind. He had been blind for 49 of his 82 years on this earth. He used to say, "The Lord had to take my eyes in order for me to see, but better to be blind than burn." And, believe me, dad could see! He used to stand up in church to give a testimony and the pastor would say, "What are you looking for Ray?" And dad would say, "I'm looking for the Lord." And he was. But he didn't just look for the Lord, I believe he saw Him like few people do while they are on this earth. I remember when we would listen to a sermon and he would say, Did you hear the preacher say this or that? And I would say, "No, I didn't hear that." And he would say, "That's the trouble with you guys that can see, you have too many distractions." One distraction that he did not have that we who can see have is the lust of the eyes. I kind of envied him for that. But though he couldn't see the physical things of this earth, he saw the Lord much more clearly than most. You see, he didn't let the things of this earth distract him. He ran the Christian race well and kept his eye on the Prize. And today he crossed the finish line and heard the sweetest sound of all from the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant. Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord." Yes, God finally answered dad's prayer today. He got him out! Out of this old world but into His Presence. I don't know everything dad saw when he opened his eyes in Heaven but I know he saw the Lord Jesus Christ and his daughter and whatever else he saw it was better than anything he ever saw on this earth. I can imagine the colors were brighter than ever before. And his vision was clearer than it had ever been.
Dad's suffering is over. He fought a good fight, he finished the course, and he kept the faith. And he won his crown.
I will miss you, Dad. I miss you already. As you have said so often, "If you get there before I do, save me a place because I'm coming too." Well, save me a place dad. I'll see you again someday.
Another thing about dad: he didn't like to say goodbye. He said goodbye seems so final, if you're a Christian, you don't have to say goodbye because we will see each other again. Every time we hung up the telephone we would say, "So long."
So to my true friend and adopted dad, I'll just say, "So long."
Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
The Power of God
The dictionary defines power as:
1. The ability to act; capability.
2. Potential capacity.
3. Strength of force actually put forth.
4. The right, ability, or capacity to exercise control; legal authority, capacity, or competency.
The Bible says over and over again in the book of Genesis, "And God said, Let.... and it was so. In Genesis 1:1 the Bible says, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." And, then, in John 1:1 it says, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." Notice the phrase, "In the beginning..." in both books. Let's examine this for a minute.
"In the beginning God created..." Genesis 1:1. "In the beginning was the Word...and the Word was God." Can this leave any doubt that the Bible is the Word of God and existed in Heaven before the world began?
Notice then John 1:3, "All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made." So okay, "In the beginning God created..." and, "All things were made by Him..." that word made means to become, to bring into being. Sounds like "created" to me. One of the great preachers of the past A.W. Tozer said, "The power of not something God has; it is something God is. Power is something that is true of God as wisdom and love are true of Him." He, also, said, "The power of God is one with God's Will, and works only as He wills that it should."
The Bible gives us many examples of God's power. We have already mentioned one: Creation. We can, also, see the power of God manifested in the miracles performed by His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, God in flesh. Let's consider some of these.
Jesus changed the water into wine in John 2:1-11 demonstrating that He has power over matter. In John 4:46-54 He healed the nobleman's son showing that He has power over the physical.
In Matthew 8:1-3 Jesus healed the leper demonstrating power over defilement.
Again in Matthew 8:5-13 He healed the centurion's servant without even being where he was, showing that Jesus has power over distance.
In verses 23-27 He calmed the storm, this is power over the deep. Verses 28-34 shows Jesus has power over demons.
And in Matthew 9:18,19,23-25 He demonstrates that He has power over death. We could go on but you get the message.
Let's look at the way God showed His power in the Old Testament. What about when God parted the waters of the Red Sea and the Israelites crossed over on dry ground. Then when Pharoah's army chased them God caused the waters to flow back and Pharoah's army was drowned. How about when He used ravens to feed Elijah in the wilderness or when David slew Goliath. And then we could talk about when Gideon's army of 300 defeated the army of the Midianites. An army some Bible scholars estimate to have been about 160,000 to 180,000 men. And, speaking of God's power what about the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah?
In Luke 4:32 the Bible says, "And they (the people of Capernaum) were astonished at His doctrine:for His Word was with power." Hebrews 4:12 says, "For the Word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." Psalm 29:4, "The voice of the Lord is powerful; the voice of the Lord is full of majesty." Psalm 33:4, "For the Word of the Lord is right; and all His Works are done in truth." Verse 6, "By the Word of the Lord were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of His mouth." And verse 9, "For He spake, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast."
Abraham Lincoln once said, "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
That has been proven in some of America's CEO's today.
When Christ laid His life down willingly that was another manifestation of His power. Likewise when He took His life up again. The resurrection is another way in which God showed His power. And Jesus' second coming will be yet another way in which His power will be proven. It could be today or tonight depending on when you are reading this.
God can give power to others for:
1. Service
2. Witnessing-Acts 1:8
3. Living-Phillipians 4:13
4. Supply-Phillipians 4:19
5. Overcoming Temptation-James 4:5-10
He has power to:
1. Forgive sin-Matthew 9:6,8
2. Give Sonship-John 1:12
3. Save-Romans 1:16, Hebrews 7:25
How should this affect us?
1. We ought to praise Him-Psalm 21:13.
2. Sing to and for Him-Psalm 59:16,17 and Psalm 81:1
3. Talk of Him-Psalm 145.
What power!!
One New Year's Day, in the Tournament of Roses parade, a beautiful float suddenly sputtered and quit. It was out of gas. The whole parade was held up until someone could get a can of gas. The amusing thing was this float represented the Standard Oil Company. With its vast oil resources, its truck was out of gas.
Often, Christians neglect their spiritual maintenance, and though they are "clothed with power" (Luke 24:49) find themselves out of gas."
Steve Blankenship in God Came Near by Max Lucado, Multnomah Press, 1987, p. 95.
Don't find yourself out of gas today. Connect with the One Who holds All Power, the Lord Jesus Christ. Call on Him today for salvation and forgiveness.
1. The ability to act; capability.
2. Potential capacity.
3. Strength of force actually put forth.
4. The right, ability, or capacity to exercise control; legal authority, capacity, or competency.
The Bible says over and over again in the book of Genesis, "And God said, Let.... and it was so. In Genesis 1:1 the Bible says, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." And, then, in John 1:1 it says, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." Notice the phrase, "In the beginning..." in both books. Let's examine this for a minute.
"In the beginning God created..." Genesis 1:1. "In the beginning was the Word...and the Word was God." Can this leave any doubt that the Bible is the Word of God and existed in Heaven before the world began?
Notice then John 1:3, "All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made." So okay, "In the beginning God created..." and, "All things were made by Him..." that word made means to become, to bring into being. Sounds like "created" to me. One of the great preachers of the past A.W. Tozer said, "The power of not something God has; it is something God is. Power is something that is true of God as wisdom and love are true of Him." He, also, said, "The power of God is one with God's Will, and works only as He wills that it should."
The Bible gives us many examples of God's power. We have already mentioned one: Creation. We can, also, see the power of God manifested in the miracles performed by His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, God in flesh. Let's consider some of these.
Jesus changed the water into wine in John 2:1-11 demonstrating that He has power over matter. In John 4:46-54 He healed the nobleman's son showing that He has power over the physical.
In Matthew 8:1-3 Jesus healed the leper demonstrating power over defilement.
Again in Matthew 8:5-13 He healed the centurion's servant without even being where he was, showing that Jesus has power over distance.
In verses 23-27 He calmed the storm, this is power over the deep. Verses 28-34 shows Jesus has power over demons.
And in Matthew 9:18,19,23-25 He demonstrates that He has power over death. We could go on but you get the message.
Let's look at the way God showed His power in the Old Testament. What about when God parted the waters of the Red Sea and the Israelites crossed over on dry ground. Then when Pharoah's army chased them God caused the waters to flow back and Pharoah's army was drowned. How about when He used ravens to feed Elijah in the wilderness or when David slew Goliath. And then we could talk about when Gideon's army of 300 defeated the army of the Midianites. An army some Bible scholars estimate to have been about 160,000 to 180,000 men. And, speaking of God's power what about the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah?
In Luke 4:32 the Bible says, "And they (the people of Capernaum) were astonished at His doctrine:for His Word was with power." Hebrews 4:12 says, "For the Word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." Psalm 29:4, "The voice of the Lord is powerful; the voice of the Lord is full of majesty." Psalm 33:4, "For the Word of the Lord is right; and all His Works are done in truth." Verse 6, "By the Word of the Lord were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of His mouth." And verse 9, "For He spake, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast."
Abraham Lincoln once said, "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
That has been proven in some of America's CEO's today.
When Christ laid His life down willingly that was another manifestation of His power. Likewise when He took His life up again. The resurrection is another way in which God showed His power. And Jesus' second coming will be yet another way in which His power will be proven. It could be today or tonight depending on when you are reading this.
God can give power to others for:
1. Service
2. Witnessing-Acts 1:8
3. Living-Phillipians 4:13
4. Supply-Phillipians 4:19
5. Overcoming Temptation-James 4:5-10
He has power to:
1. Forgive sin-Matthew 9:6,8
2. Give Sonship-John 1:12
3. Save-Romans 1:16, Hebrews 7:25
How should this affect us?
1. We ought to praise Him-Psalm 21:13.
2. Sing to and for Him-Psalm 59:16,17 and Psalm 81:1
3. Talk of Him-Psalm 145.
What power!!
One New Year's Day, in the Tournament of Roses parade, a beautiful float suddenly sputtered and quit. It was out of gas. The whole parade was held up until someone could get a can of gas. The amusing thing was this float represented the Standard Oil Company. With its vast oil resources, its truck was out of gas.
Often, Christians neglect their spiritual maintenance, and though they are "clothed with power" (Luke 24:49) find themselves out of gas."
Steve Blankenship in God Came Near by Max Lucado, Multnomah Press, 1987, p. 95.
Don't find yourself out of gas today. Connect with the One Who holds All Power, the Lord Jesus Christ. Call on Him today for salvation and forgiveness.
Friday, October 10, 2008
This just in from a friend of mine. Think about the unfortunate truth of this for a change. I don't know who the original author is but they sure got it right.

.... Change .... Change!!!!!!!!!!
Not long ago I read a joke ...
It said all the politicians running for president are promising change to the American people.
We send them billions and billions of tax dollars and they send us the change. Funny? Not really; there is too much truth in it to be funny. That got me to thinking .... They all promise change. How about if they run on a promise of restoration rather than change. A restoration that would take us back in time to a place where things ran better, smoother and life was more enjoyable.
Change? That, in truth , is what they have been giving us all along. We used to have a strong dollar ... Politicians changed that. 

Life used to be sacred .... Politicians changed that.
Marriage used to be sacred .... Politicians are changing that.
We used to be respected around the world ... Politicians changed that.
We used to have a strong manufacturing economy ...
Politicians changed that.
We used to be a large exporter of American made goods ...
Politicians changed that.
Politicians changed that.
We used to teach patriotism in schools .... Politicians changed that.
We used to enjoy freedom of speech ...Politicians changed that.

We used to have affordable food & gas prices ...
Politicians changed that, too.
... and one could go on and on with this list.
What hasn't been changed, politicians are promising to change that as well if you will elect them. When, oh when, is America going to sit back with open eyes and look at what we once were and where we have come and say, enough is enough? The trouble is, America 's youthful voters today don't know of the great America that existed forty and fifty years ago. They see the world as if it has always existed, as it is now. When will we wake up? Tomorrow may be too late. When will America realize ... Politicians are what is wrong with America ? PASS THIS ONE AROUND FOR A CHANGE
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
A Day At The Zoo
In August my oldest son and I went to visit a local zoo. We had an interesting time. One of the neat things was that the zoo offered a safari ride (for an extra fee, of course) so we decided it would be fun to take it. It took us through five areas that had been cordoned off and we got a real close up look of the animals. In fact, we had the privilege of petting and feeding them. Our tour guides (if that's what you want to call them) were really nice. The guy drove while the girl ran ahead and opened up the gates to each area. She ran her legs off. She is in great shape. I remember a day when I could have ran like that. The days when I used to run cross country in gym class are long gone. Oh to be in the shape now that I was in then. Not going to happen. Age takes its toll on all of us eventually. And it takes its toll on some of us sooner than on others. And sometimes it isn't age as much as lifestyle and how well we cared for ourselves. Anyway, I didn't mean to get into all of that.
Here is the zoo story in pictures with a few comments from me. Hope you enjoy. Perhaps you will recognize some friends. :D
Here is the zoo story in pictures with a few comments from me. Hope you enjoy. Perhaps you will recognize some friends. :D
A bison who, obviously, thought that popcorn was worth licking your lips over.
Baby, don't make me leave you.
Hey Henrietta, look at those funny creatures over there on that truck!
At least some people appreciate me.
Family Meeting!
The best dressed of the whole zoo.
And last, but certainly not least, our wonderful safari guides.
Thank you for sharing in our day at the zoo.
Just Passing Through
Do you ever just spend time looking through people's blogs? Some of them are quite fascinating and interesting. Some seem to be the kind of people you would like to know while others are weird and a few are just plain bizarre. Blogs, like people, are interesting things. They are just as diverse as the people who created them. Some people like to share photos and others just like to share opinions, like me. Sometimes my opinions are the reason people don't continue to read my blog. That's okay, I created this blog because I have always wanted to have one. I like having one even though I am not the most creative person out there. Some blogs are really nice and mellow, some are really beautiful, and some have great pictures. And, yes, there are a few out there like mine. Just plain, kind of mundane, and maybe even a little (or a lot) boring. It would be interesting to actually make a real friend through a blog. I wonder, sometimes, if anybody ever really reads mine. Oh well, I guess that's the way things go. If you do visit feel free to leave a comment even if you don't agree with me. If you and I agree on everything one of us is not needed.
Anyway, except for the picture of my mug on this page, I am adding my first picture to this blog. It is not a picture I took but it is a picture I like and I think it is appropiate given that it is fall. I hope you enjoy it.
Sometimes when I visit a blog I leave a comment if it is something that I really like. I am grateful for those who answer though that is not why I leave them. I think if a person has a blog you enjoy or something that catches your eye it is nice to say so. Not that they care necessarily but maybe it is a little bit of encouragement. So keep blogging. And remember when it comes to this world. We are all:
Just Passing Through!
Anyway, except for the picture of my mug on this page, I am adding my first picture to this blog. It is not a picture I took but it is a picture I like and I think it is appropiate given that it is fall. I hope you enjoy it.
Sometimes when I visit a blog I leave a comment if it is something that I really like. I am grateful for those who answer though that is not why I leave them. I think if a person has a blog you enjoy or something that catches your eye it is nice to say so. Not that they care necessarily but maybe it is a little bit of encouragement. So keep blogging. And remember when it comes to this world. We are all:
Just Passing Through!
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