Friday, September 26, 2008

It's Been A Long Time

Tomorrow we will help celebrate the 50th wedding anniversary of my in-laws. Much planning, by my wonderful wife and her sisters, has gone into this. As well it should have, 50 years is a long time for anything. I couldn't imagine being married that long. Think of all the great memories two people could share. And I have no doubt that they are as much in love today as they have ever been. They are a wonderful couple and I couldn't have asked for better in-laws. We have enjoyed many good times together-holidays at their home, holiday meals at their home (my mother-in-law is a great cook), having them over for a meal (my wife is a great cook, as well), playing games, cookouts, dining out, Christmas at their home, and many good memories. I can't think of two people who deserve this milestone and celebration more. I feel privileged to be able to share in honoring them on their special day. One of the amazing things is that they still have my mother-in-law's wedding gown and the suit in which my father-in-law got married.

Fifty years! What an example for others of us who are married to follow. Fifty years of good times and hard times but they stuck it out. So many of us quit too soon today. But quitting just wasn't an option to them. What commitment! What dedication! What determination! What strength! What love!

I have been asked to say a few words at their celebration and it's hard to know what to say to honor a couple that has been married 50 years. But I know this, the love they share has blessed my heart in the time that I have known them. It does us all good, I think, in today's "throw away" society to see that there are those who believe in making it stick. To see that marriage can, and should, be permanent. To see that, yes, love can, and does, last 50+ years.

Congratulations Bernard and Lorraine. I love you!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Talking Versus Walking

I don't know about you but I have a bit of a hard time seeing Obama beside McCain at Ground Zero yesterday. Not that I don't think Mr. Obama is a good American and means well (although I don't agree with him). But here is a Junior Senator serving his first term and spending half of it running for Commander-In-Chief and having never served in the military. Who won't put his hand over his heart to say the Pledge of Allegiance and won't wear a flag pin on his lapel. And he's telling me how much he loves America.

On the other hand, here is Senator McCain who has served in the Senate for quite awhile. But who, also, endured imprisonment and torture because of his love for this country. Who has taken a lot of heat for doing what he thought was right (even if, at times, I don't agree) but is willing to pay and has paid the price.

The Bible says, "My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth." I John 3:18.

That' s John McCain as far as his service to this great country is concerned. Tested, tried, proven and still standing. That is the man who deserves to be and should be America's next Commander-In-Chief. So place a vote for a strong America and for a strong defense for America and for a leader proven and strong enough to stand. Between the two, there is no choice!

If you want a weak America vote Obama. If you want a strong America where your freedoms and liberties will be protected vote McCain.

"And the Star-Spangled Banner, oh long may she wave o'er the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave!"

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Pitbull Palin

I don't normally follow these things as closely as I should but how about Sarah Palin's speech at the Republican National Convention! I liked the joke about the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull: lipstick. Or maybe it wasn't a joke. Well, maybe we should call her Pit bull Palin. She didn't pull any punches. Though I am waiting to see how these ethics investigations play out before I get too excited. It would be nice if the media would treat her as fairly as they treat the other candidates, especially the liberals. But I am sure it won't happen. That's okay though because then, when they win, the media can't say they helped them win. But I realize, too, that the media certainly has its role in making or breaking a candidate. I wonder how many governors drive themselves to work and have gotten rid of the governor's plane. It will be interesting to see what happens over the next couple of months. Remember, even if you don't totally agree with the candidates, get out and Vote, Vote, Vote! Oh, we only get one vote don't we? Well, you get the idea.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Throughout his administration, Abraham Lincoln was a president under fire, especially during the scarring years of the Civil War. And though he knew he would make errors of office, he resolved never to compromise his integrity. So strong was this resolve that he once said, "I desire so to conduct the affairs of this administration that if at the end, when I come to lay down the reins of power, I have lost every other friend on earth, I shall at least have one friend left, and that friend shall be down inside of me." Today In The Word, August, 1989, p. 21.

Wouldn't it be great if politicians felt that way today? Like I said before, it is a shame that in this great country we have to settle for the lesser of two evils when it comes to voting for President. There, surely, are some people out there who still live by the principles expressed by President Lincoln in the above quote. Of course, with the way we dig up dirt on anybody and everybody is it any wonder that some of them don't want to run? I mean suppose someone did something when they were young that they now regret, which I think most of us have, and it really wasn't that big of a deal, it will be when the media gets a hold of it. Don't get me wrong, I think the scoundrels in our society ought to be exposed but sometimes what the media tries to make a big deal was just a mistake someone made when they were young and stupid. And you can rest assured the media will, especially, make it a big deal if that person is a conservative. We are inundated daily with incidents that have been blown out of proportion by the liberal media when it comes to covering conservatives. And, yet, most of the liberal crowd live as though they have no embarrassment or shame for their lifestyles and actions. They're making it a big deal now because Sarah Palin's 17 year old daughter is pregnant. I don't think it's right either and I believe it sets the wrong example but let's not act like it's all mom's fault. Maybe mom didn't watch as closely as she should have but tell me what parent never lets a 17 year old out of their sight. No one can ruin your reputation but you and we don't know all the details of this situation. We probably never will and it isn't even our business. Yes, as I said I think it is wrong and it is too bad for the daughter and her parents but daughter will not be Vice President. There are more important things to worry about this election than that. You have to realize, too, that Sarah Palin will be under more scrutiny just because she is a conservative. That, unfortunately, is the way the liberal media works. Thank God for those conservatives in media that bring some sanity to the liberal circus act.

Bottom line: Who ever you are for in this election, get out and vote because people died for your right to vote and if you don't vote they died in vain. Your vote does make a difference. How would you like to live in a country where you don't have that right and privilege? Vote! Encourage you children to vote, encourage your neighbors to vote, encourage you friends and relatives to vote. Either that or don't complain when someone is elected with whom you disagree because you were to lazy to do anything about it.

And that's my opinion.