Thursday, August 21, 2008

Women's Volleyball

I have a question. Maybe someone out there can shed some light on this for me. It amazes me that men can play volleyball just fine in shorts similar in length and style to that which a basketball player wears and women have to wear shorts that should only be seen by their husbands in the bedroom. Why is that? They have brought modesty or the lack thereof to a new low. I don't watch women's volleyball (or men's for that matter) but, like most Americans, I have seen it and I don't understand why it is that if men can wear modest apparel to play in why the women can't. Is that the reason that volleyball has become such a popular sport? Do some people tune in just to see how immodest the women can be this week? It borders on pornography! I think it is gross and I sure wouldn't be proud of my daughter dressing (or should I say undressing) like that. If that is what it takes to get recognition as an athlete we need to rethink some things. I know this is a popular sport but right is still right and there is nothing right about women athletes dressing in a so-called "uniform" like that. It is the most immodest sport out there. Even women tennis players have more on. So, let's see, women tennis players wear more, women swimmers wear more, women divers wear more, women basketball players wear more so it can't be that the clothes interfere with their performance. Oh, I know, the only women who don't wear more are bikini models. That must be it! They want to be bikini models! Well, why didn't they say so? They, certainly, don't care if they have any morals or they wouldn't dress like that.


Thursday, August 7, 2008

Should the U.S. Have Boycotted the Olympics

I am not pleased with the fact that the U.S. has chosen to participate in the Olympics in China. This situation is much bigger than the athletes having the experience of a lifetime. Let me tell you why I think they should have boycotted.

It has been a known fact for many years that China has no concern for human rights. Remember the uprising at Tiananmen Square in 1989 and how it was crushed by the Chinese government using tanks and brute military force? A group of students gathered in the square to voice their protests against the government's policies. It was intended to be a peaceful protest but the Chinese government decided to bring in the military - but not just the military, heavy military armaments, against a group of students! Many of those students were shot and killed! Beijing looked like a war zone.

In spite of this atrocity by the Chinese government upon its own citizens, in the 1990's the United States government voted to extend Most Favored Nation status to China. In 2000 the U.S. made the Most Favored Nation status permanent. That is why virtually everything we wear or use is imported from China. This has, also, aided in the loss of American jobs. I saw a documentary on MPT last year that some of the people who work in the factories in China live in a dormitory and are made to work 14-16 hours a day seven days a week. They only make $120-$160 a month and only last in these jobs three to five years because they either get so exhausted they can't keep up production or get sick.

But this is what matters most to me and this is what makes me grieve the most. China persecutes, imprisons, and murders my brothers and sisters in Christ, daily! And, yet I am, virtually, forced to buy their goods, thus supporting their atheistic government. I resent the fact that I can barely find anything that is made in America today. I realize it isn't just because of China that we are in this predicament, but it is China that has and is committing the previously mentioned atrocities. When Ross Perot ran for President he said that if we ratified NAFTA we would hear that, "giant sucking sound, all of our jobs going overseas." Whether you agreed with him or not, years later this has proven to be true.

I think we send a wrong message to the world by participating in the Olympics in China. I know our athletes worked and trained hard and they deserve to be there. But I think we, as a free nation should realize that there is a lot more at stake here than just athletics. As we have heard over and over in the media, China realizes it. This is about taking a stand for freedom, whether it be religious freedom or human rights. I wish all the athletes well and I have nothing against the Chinese people. But I have a whole lot against an atheistic government who commits murder everyday and has no remorse for having no human rights. For more information on what China has done to help their image for the Olympics go to:, also view the video at:

Friday, August 1, 2008

McCain's Obama Ad Not That Bad

Happy August Everyone!

I just have a short comment about the latest brouhaha over the McCain ad that depicts Obama as a celebrity. I don't see this as a big deal. Let's face it, in a way Obama is a celebrity. He has gotten, at least, four times as much media coverage as McCain most of which is due to nothing short of the fact that we are saturated with a liberal media. He is very charismatic, young, good-looking and he is the kind of candidate that a liberal media can feel comfortable promoting.

Don't get me wrong, I am not a big fan of John McCain, either. I would stop short of calling him a conservative. Of course, that all depends on the standard to which he is being compared. When you compare him to a Senator who won't wear an American flag pin on his lapel it makes it a lot easier for McCain to look like a conservative. I do believe he loves America. He has the military record and the public service record to prove it. And, personally, I would rather have a president who loves this country than one of whom I am not sure.

Remember, if you don't want to vote for either candidate, you still have the option to write in a name (including your own). Yes, it is casting a losing vote but, at least, you voted for someone with whom you can feel comfortable. In this great country of ours, considering that people paid with their lives for our right to vote, not voting should never be considered an option. It would be nice if we didn't have to vote for the lesser of two evils but had a real conservative politician running for office. I am sick of hearing what is good for the Republican or Democratic party, what about what is good for America? Oh well, maybe next time.

That's my opinion, what's yours?

Next Post: Should the U.S. have boycotted the Olympics