Thursday, October 29, 2009

Prejudice, yes I have to admit it, I am

Since I have come into adulthood, I have always thought of myself as not being prejudice. However, lately the Lord has shown me that I am prejudice. Oh, I am not prejudice against race, for no one can help which race they are. And I don't believe for one minute that someone should be denied opportunity in life because they happen to have a different color of skin, or are a different nationality. I am prejudice against people who are willingly ignorant. You know, those people who won't listen to anyone who tries to talk to them about their (it's all about me) attitude. That kind of attitude seems to be more and more prevalent today.

I understand people sometimes grow up in that kind of atmosphere. That is the way they were taught by their parents or the influences around them. You know, those who are loud, ignorant, and think the right answer is to just punch someone out that disagrees with them.

Some people try to tell them and show them there is a better way to live but they don't want to hear it. They like who they are, they think that is right, and they refuse to change no matter what you say.

I am prejudice against ignorance and attitude. The kind of attitude I grew up with when I was a child. I still believe there are some people who are only going to understand a good slap in the head but I don't think that carrying out the act is a good way to help someone change and it is, definitely, not a good example to set.

I am not a compassionate person but as I get older the Lord has been working in my life to make me more compassionate. I have a long way to go. And it irks me especially when we as Christians blast someone with our mouths and have no regard for how we made the other person feel or whether or not we ruined our testimony. Let's face it, some people are hard to deal with. That has always been and always will be the case. But do we really have a right to beat them down? What about what the Bible says about building each other up? That's hard to do but necessary if we are going to set a Christ-like example.

Well, this is something the Lord has been dealing with me about and something I thought might be of help to you, too. They say, "Ignorance is bliss." I think to remain ignorant is costly, in attitude, in testimony, in causing health issues, and in dollars and cents. Because beating someone into submission is costly in emergency room bills and lost relationships.

Prejudice? Yes, against those who are willingly ignorant.